Everything you need to know to create your first webinar
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All You Need to Know to Create your First Webinar

Webinars are a powerful tool that allows you to achieve several goals for your company. From getting leads to training your audience or improving the image of your brand, increasing the loyalty of your customers. To help you in this process, we have prepared a guide step to step on what you need to create your first webinar.


Before the webinar

Before the performance of your event, you must consider different things:

  • Determine the objective of your webinar: the versatility of webinars allows you to achieve different objectives, you can do product presentations, expert interviews, demos, team training, and even inbound marketing.
  • Choose the participants who will accompany you: it is important to determine the people who will be involved in your event. In general, we will need a host to drive the conversation and give it dynamism. In our experience, the most appropriate number is 3, more people on the screen can lose the attention of the viewers.
  • Write the script: although it may seem complicated, it is important to make a small script of your event. Simply, have clear the 3 or 4 main points to deal with during the broadcast (introduction, presentation of the different participants, Q&A time, etc.). It will help us to be more confident and keep the attention of the audience.
  • Promote your webinar: whatever the objective of your webinar, the most important thing is to reach as many people as possible. To do this, follow the tips in this article on “ “How to Promote a Webinar in 4 Steps”.Choose the channels where you want to broadcast the webinar, correctly define the information you want to transmit, plan the timing of the publications, and manage the registrations by completing them with automated emails.
  • Prepare the equipment: apart from our software, it is also important to consider the physical elements you will need. Ensure that the participants have a good camera and microphone so that the audiovisual experience is as great as possible Other factors such as lighting and the shot to be displayed on the screen should also be considered.


During the webinar

The key to the success of an event is the previous preparation. Once this part has been solved, we only need to face the fear of the live event. To do this, we can take some measures, but the most important one is experience. Normally, the first event does not go perfectly but as you go making live the result will be better. Even so, you must take into account different issues that will help you:

  • Control nerves, sometimes they can play a trick on us, but if we have a written script and we try to follow it, it will surely help us to be calmer..
  • Try to have speakers speak in different positions, sometimes we may feel more confident standing or sitting behind a table.
  • Stick to the established time, give good guidelines to the speakers regarding the duration of presentations or give the right questions to the moderator to make it more dynamic.


After the webinar

Once the event has finished, your work has not. Take advantage of the analytics that Watchity offers you to analyze how the event has gone and what repercussions have had.

For instance, look at the audience peaks to see what content has had more interest, and ask yourself if the duration has been adequate, many times the attention of the audience is limited, and we must ensure that they see our content as long as possible.

Use the reporting generated by the platform from the data configured in your forms to continue giving life to the event. With the information from attendees, create customized campaigns to offer services or products, as well as invite them to future webinars that may be of their interest.

And if you have any doubts about how to create your first webinar, you can consult or help center, or send us a message.

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