Are you thinking about creating a webinar and you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! In this post we explain you which the first steps are to create a quality webinar.
A webinar allows you to offer video content about a specialized subject. Although it is usually done in real time, it can also be recorded in advance. It is recommended to do it live because it promotes the audience interaction, where it could be potential clients. In addition, you can record it for your audience to consult it whenever they want in your web as a content source.
Other than enhance the branding and the corporative communication, offering webinars is a great resource to generate leads and conversions.
But which are the first steps to create a great webinar?
1. Know your target well
It could seem obvious but, many times, the content that’s broadcasted in a webinar is not fully focused on the target audience.
This point is essential for your audience to perceive you are providing content of value, according to their needs. Thus, you have to analyze well the product or service you are offering, determine who you are targeting and focus the content correctly.
2. Set coherent goals
To meet your expectations and contribute to a successful webinar you must set precise and realistic objectives. If you set too ambitious and inaccurate objectives, the result is likely to be negative.
This is, with no doubt, one of the first essential steps to do a great webinar. The objectives must be SMART:
- Specific.Being specific in setting objectives will allow you to stay on track and make the right decisions about resources, dedication, budgetary control, etc.
- Measurable. Objectives must be measurable in order to assess their effectiveness. Including a qualitative or quantitative attribute to the objectives will allow you to measure their progress.
- Achievable.Set achievable goals or you could hardly meet expectations. You must find a balance so that they are neither too ambitious nor too easy to achieve.
- Relevant. The objectives must be pertinent and adequate. You have to think about whether they are aligned with overall business objectives or whether they complement them.
- Time-bound. Determine when you will achieve your goals. These could be based in project periods, commercial quarters or other concrete periods.
Before the next step, you have to ask yourself what the ultimate goal of the webinar is and if you have the resources to do it.
3. Plan and organize the webinar
If you want your webinar to be well defined and structured is necessary to work the planning and the organization phases. To do so, consider the following factors:
- Choose a great platform. Choosing a great platform is crucial to obtain the greatest result. Watchity, for instance, offers a high level of customization and other features that convey professionalism and quality to the audience.
- Pick the topic.You need to find out which topic can spark your audience’s interest by being relevant and innovative at the same time. Some themes are repeated excessively and are no longer interesting or motivating for the audience.
- Ask questions to better understand your target’s motivations. Just like a said before, knowing your target is essential to offer content of value according to their needs. To know their motivations and interests you must find answers to various questions. For example: Why do these people need our product/service? What result do they want to achieve? What would they change about their current situation? What barriers do they encounter? Etc.
- Set the date. It’s necessary to look for a date that doesn’t coincide with other important events. And also that’s in a favorable schedule to your target. Depending on the topic and the target you have to decide which is the best option.
- Create an outline. This part allows you to get an overview of the project that helps you get an idea of the flow of content. Besides, it makes it easier for you to make decisions about whether you need to improve the content or its structure.
- Plan the content. Related to the previous paragraph, you must define how long each topic will last and how many blocks the webinar will have. It is recommended that the webinar doesn’t exceed 45 minutes, leaving about 15 minutes for questions. It’s necessary to create a script and that the information is connected following a logical structure.
4. Implement it professionally
At this point, it’s time to implement or put into practice everything you’ve worked on in the previous steps.
Customizing the content we offer could be the best or most efficient way for our webinar to stand out from the rest. A platform like Watchity makes it easy and professional to create HQ live videos. In addition, it allows you to personalize the live video by connecting cameras and smartphones, adding images, logos and pre-recorded videos, among other features.
It’s very important that the speech of the speaker is fluid and natural, that it doesn’t sound too “rehearsed”. Being professional is not at odds with being charismatic and conveying closeness. It’s a matter of finding balance.
It is also essential, like I mentioned earlier, to bring value to your target. So, further to delivering content orally, the audience will value positively that you share content of value in other formats (infographics, PDF handouts, etc.).
A webinar is a perfect resource to generate engagement with your audience, so use it to promote bidirectional communication. Apart from launching the typical Q&A session, with Watchity you can ask direct questions, activate chat options, select language and subtitles, choose streaming quality, etc.
The step of promoting a webinar plays a fundamental role in reaching the maximum audience of your target. Watchity also helps you promote the webinars, because its “Event Manager” allows you to create registration forms, define a protected access, manage the attendee lists, add calendar alerts, and send email reminders. The registration forms make it easy to capture leads, expand potential clients and boost sales.
You must choose well the channels in which you will promote your webinar. Ideally, you should create a landing page that explains the information you will provide on the webinar, along with the registration form, and share it on your social media, in your blog and in your corporate web. It’s important to start about 3 weeks before the event, to send 4-5 promotion messages: 3 weeks earlier, 15 days earlier, 1 week, 1 day, and even the same day 2-3 hours before. Many attendees sign up for the last reminder of the same day.
Do you want to expand the information regarding the webinar promotion and discover how to carry out the analysis and follow-up after the event? Download our guide Watchity’s Ultimate Guide to Planning and Creating a Great Webinar”.
Are you interested in knowing in detail how to create a good webinar or training sessions using the live video? Send us a message or request a demo.