In the Events of Watchity you can find the ‘Speaking Room’. What’s the Speaking Room? It is the room that will allow you to enter to our Studio the cameras and screen sharing of your speakers individually, thus replacing the video calling tools that have an extended use. With great ease you’ll be able to share the link to people who have to actively participate in your event without having to download any software or register, once inside they will be able to follow the event in a simple and safe environment.
Once inside the event settings you will find the button to add cameras where you can get the link to the Speaking Room (which is unique for each event) that you must share with the speakers/participants.

Once in the link the participant must enter his name and choose in the dropdown the camera and microphone they want to join by clicking on the button ‘Join’.

Our Speaking Room is made up of different elements, the upper left is the space of the person who has entered, with the same drop down of camera and microphone, as well as the red button to hang up the call and leave the room.

In the bottom left there’s the screen sharing section, when a participant wants to share some content on their screen such as a presentation, slides, etc, simply click on the ‘Screen Sharing’ button.
Note that only one participant will be able to share screen at the same time, to replace one screen with another, the first will have to finish sharing with the same button in red.
In the upper right, participants will be able to follow the content that is being live broadcasted on the program screen. Keep in mind that there is a couple of seconds of delay between the conversation that occurs in the Speaking Room and what will be displayed on the program screen.
Finally, at the bottom right the participant will see all the other speaker’s cameras and will be able to interact with them as if a video call room were involved.