Video Engagement Platform

Create memorable video connections
with your audience

With Watchity’s video engagement platform, you will boost your organization’s communication and audience engagement thanks to unique audiovisual content and more impactful experiences.

You need a new way to communicate

Surely your organization has already integrated video into its communication strategy. However, in a digital environment saturated with information, your challenge now is to make your content stand out and connect with your audience.
sala del evento

Elevate your communication to the level of major media outlets

Watchity offers you easy-to-use production tools and a robust, scalable streaming infrastructure, so you can have your own audiovisual platform and publish all kinds of professional live and on-demand content.

Striking visual content

TV-like video content, including graphic elements, scenes, transitions and other visual resources.

On the channel best suited to your goals

Publish your videos on your own website. Broadcast events integrated into your website with a brand-customized environment and extend their reach on social media.

Dynamic and interactive experiences

Provide your viewers with a participatory experience through interactive elements that will increase engagement.

A comprehensive suite for video communication

With Watchity you have four products integrated in one single solution that allows you to create any type of event and professional content to reinforce communication, marketing, training or customer service.
Event Platform

Webinars and virtual events that generate better results

Manage your events from start to finish with a single tool:

  • Design landing pages, manage registrations and automate emails.
  • Embed events in you website and customize them with your brand.
  • Simplify user access with a browser-based event room.
  • Stream in FullHD with advanced controls (pause, replays, …)
  • Accept an unlimited number of viewers.
  • Boost participation and interaction through chat, Q&A, voting and CTAs.
Event Platform
Live Studio

Professional-looking live video created by yourself

Live Studio

TV-like production that you can stream in any platform:

  • Advanced processing engine in a dedicated cloud server.
  • Remote production and distributed team work.
  • Up to 25 simultaneous cameras on screen.
  • Webcam, screenshare, virtual background, blur.
  • Private videoconference room for panelists.
  • RTMP inputs for external connections.
  • Dynamic scene layouts and animated transitions.
  • Videos, backgrounds, logos, overlays and lower-thirds.
Discover Live Studio
Social Video

Events in social media that boost your community

Amplify the reach and visibility of your events and generate more interaction:

  • Adapt video production formats to the requirements of each network.
  • Multistream to multiple accounts and profiles with unlimited destinations.
  • Generate clips from the stream and share them instantly.
  • Connect Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube with native integrations.
  • Streaming using RTMP on Instagram, TikTok, Twitch and many others.
Discover Social Video
Social Video
Content Hub

Videos that reinforce your content strategy

Content Hub

Create podcasts, courses, tutorials and all kinds of content for your audiences:

  • Record your webcam and screen and add graphics and brand assets.
  • Manage and classify content.
  • Publish content with the player embed code.
  • Guarantee user access with any device and any connection quality.
  • Deliver your content in any region globally.
  • Secure your content with advanced security options.
Discover Content Hub

With enterprise-grade features

Watchity includes all the features you expect from an enterprise-grade premium platform so that you can grow your video project without limits.

Scalable and secure

Watchity supports any number of simultaneous events and viewers, and it does so in a secure and confidential environment.

Integrable via API

The API layer allows you to connect the solution with your own applications and systems to automate tasks or integrate data.

With premium support

Watchity brings you a personalized support team that knows all the details about your project and helps you achieve success.

For any size of company and sector

Watchity’s SaaS model allows you to buy the full platform or only those products that you need for your project, with plans that fit any size of company and sector.

Brands that already bet on video engagement

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