Watchity Events have three main categories, which can be grouped into Settings, Production Studio, and Engagement:
The Settings tab includes:
- Details (Event Name and Time, Privacy, and Event Room links).
- Available Destinations (Social Networks and RTMP).
- Landing with your design.
- Manage the Registration Form.
- Automated Emails.
- Interaction (Chat and Action Buttons).
The Studio includes:
- The space of the mixing, cameras, scenes, screen of program, etc.
- The Graphics (Backgrounds, Logos, Overlays and the Clips).
- Banners with their designs, Speakers Labels and Custom Banners.
- The Fast Clipper allows you to make cuts live or in VOD and share them.
- Manage the Connections made.
Finally the Engagement:
- The People section allows you to control the registration and attendance of viewers and the report generator.
- Control Chat.
- Check the Video Audience Analytics.