Virtual events have been the key solution in the events industry since the pandemic and its restrictions. The change of paradigm has been such that, although the situation has improved, many events are still virtual, and others have become hybrids (combining presential and virtual). In this article, we will talk about if it is advisable to use an event app for virtual events.
The mobile apps to manage virtual, hybrid, and even presential events, are more and more requested and have more followers. It is a clear signal that its implementation brings good results, don’t you think? Keep reading to find out why using an events app for virtual events is a good decision.
Benefits of an app for virtual events
In general, an app for virtual events allows to offer real-time information, promote the participation of organizers and participants, and enhance interaction among users. And although each app offers several features according to the provider, the most recommended have the following points in common:
The users of an app for virtual events are organizers and attendees. Focusing on the attendees, it is noteworthy that, with the app, they expect to live an experience as customized as possible. For that, they must be able to customize the app according to their characteristics and preferences so that navigation and management are fully adapted to their needs.
Centralization of managements
An app for virtual events must contain all the needed features to englobe all the managements in one site. In other words, the users of the app must not have the need to use additional channels to conduct certain management related to the event. Apart from the commodity that supposes having it all centralized, it is proven that it increases productivity and reinforces the commitment of the attendees.
Constant updating
An app for virtual events must allow updating the content nimbly and whenever. This way, attendees will be informed in real-time of any change or update that may be of interest. This feature is also efficient for the organizer to send concrete notifications to the attendees, as well as alerts or reminders related to the event.
Mobile apps to manage events must promote that the attendees who use them do networking among them. Relate to each other depending on their interests and objectives, so they can establish contact and schedule meetings to facilitate negotiations.
A key feature for an events app is one that allows the attendees to opine and value the event. As we said in other articles related to virtual and hybrid events, the opinion of the audience is a big help to implement improvements in future events. This option enhances communication with the audience, which at the same time allows us to adapt better to their needs. Thanks to the immediacy of the app, there is also the possibility to conduct concrete changes in real-time.
And now we know the key features that must include a great app for virtual events, let’s see the benefits!
Benefits for organizers
One of the main benefits of an app for virtual events is that facilitates the management of the event. The commodity of being able to manage it in a centralized way and having a bigger control involves another associated benefit: it reduces work-related concerns and stress.
Another of the benefits of the apps for organizers is that they can more easily calculate the ROI.And this can be done, mostly, thanks to the feedback of the attendees.
Securityfor attendees is higher than if managed through other channels since the apps include security measures and authentication that control that users only access the content to which they are authorized.
If the event is emitted on a streaming platform like Watchity, it can connect with the app to manage features such as Q&As, surveys, inscriptions of users, statistics of the event, etc., and, this way, facilitates the interaction with the audience and data management.
Another benefit we can obtain through the implementation of an app for virtual events is advertising. Since we use the app for the event, it is the ideal place to sell advertising space to sponsors and exhibitors. In addition, it can also be used to make branding and announce our own next events.
Benefits for the audience
As it benefits the organizers because it facilitates the management of the event, it also does so for attendees because f it facilitates and streamlines the processes (inscription, content management, etc.). They save dedication and time to access any event-related information.
The attendees that use the app for virtual events have The attendees that use the app for virtual events have. The same app allows them to schedule meetings and maybe even track the leads.
Ultimately, the assistant users can benefit from a customized experience, and from an impeccable organization and management level.
Do you have any questions about whether using an event app for virtual events is a good option? We hope not!
If you want to discover more information about Watchity, do not hesitate tosend us a message or request a demo.