The user experience in hybrid events
Online & Hybrid Events, Trend

User Experience in Hybrid Events

As most of you may know, hybrid events arise from combining virtual and presential event formats. They are part of the new normality. And they are becoming more relevant since they are accessible to a wider audience. Recently, we talked about the benefits of this type of event and how to organize them, among other topics. Today, we are going to focus on the user experience in hybrid events, a key piece. It depends on them to succeed and continue to be held in this format.

Hybrid events must mix the advantages of both presential and digital formats, focusing the efforts on achieving a clear objective: to improve the user or audience experience.

The fact of unifying both formats in a joint event means that its organizers and energizers must adapt to the needs of its two types of audience. This will allow them to enjoy a much more personalized content and experience according to their expectations. Virtual users should live an experience comparable to that they would live in person. This means, interacting and feeling that they receive the same level of attention.

¿Qué puntos debo priorizar para que la experiencia del usuario en los eventos híbridos sea un éxito?

The platform

Un elemento clave para favorecer la experiencia del usuario de los eventos híbridos es elegir correctamente la plataforma de vídeo en vivo. Lo ideal es que dicha plataforma nos permita, aparte de ofrecer una transmisión de vídeo en vivo profesional, facilitar la interacción con la audiencia y la gestión de todo el evento (formularios de registro, informes de datos, personalización del contenido, promover el networking, etc.). De esta manera será más ágil y eficiente toda la gestión, repercutiendo positivamente en la experiencia del usuario. La plataforma Watchity es una buena opción para conseguir este objetivo.

The content

Another key element for the user experience in hybrid events to be positive is the quality of the content. If we offer to the audience content of value adapted to their needs, a great part of the success is assured. And, apart from the content of value, we must also take care of the way of communicating it. It is important in both cases, but above all in the case of virtual users. It is much easier for the virtual audience to disconnect or abandon the event if they are not interested or motivated about it.

The interaction

Audience interaction is essential in both user profiles that attend a hybrid event. We must get to involve the viewers in all the activities, as far as possible. In the virtual case, it is a bit more complicated. We can encourage it by implementing in the platform a live chat, launching a Q&A in the most appropriate moments, and organizing playful or more informal activities to entertain and awake the interest of the audience. It would be ideal to organize directed activities and, if it is not possible, to think/organize activities for each audience (presential-virtual).

The feedback

En el primer evento híbrido que organices no tendrás todavía feedback o valoraciones anteriores de los asistentes para poder mejorar. Pero una vez hayas hecho el primero, o ya lleves varios, te servirá de gran ayuda saber su opinión. Puedes lanzar una encuesta de valoración cuando está finalizando el evento, o un mailing de agradecimiento junto con la encuesta unos días después. Esta acción es fundamental porque te permitirá conocer de primera mano cómo ha ido el evento y qué percepción y experiencia tiene la audiencia. De esta manera, será más fácil potenciar los puntos fuertes y decidir si implementamos cambios en los próximos eventos. Y por lo tanto será clave para mejorar la experiencia del usuario de los eventos híbridos.

The double-sided sponsors and exhibitors

Sponsors and exhibitors of hybrid events have a double side since they can have a virtual and physical presence at the same time. And as in all the events, they play a highlighted role in the user experience. In physical stands, we know what we can find and how we can interact, but virtual stands are not left behind. Users can get basic information of the company at issue, extra downloadable content in several formats, forms to request demos, and even schedule a meeting with the sales team. It is a priority to facilitate the acquisition of information and streamline interaction with exhibitors so that the user experience in hybrid events is optimal.

Did you know how the user experience in hybrid events is? Do you feel more prepared to improve it?

If you want to know more about hybrid events, download “Watchity’s Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Hybrid Event”.

If you would like to know how Watchity works, do not hesitate to send us a message or request a demo.

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